Knit by Nora
Compulsive ~ a strong, irresistible impulse to act (i.e., to knit) and Obsessive ~ to occupy the mind excessively (thus this blog)

Wednesday, July 23, 2003  

Wiggle Room
Yesterday I found out my new work project start date has been changed from September 1 to October 1. Yippee, as I will have a life instead of working evenings, weekends and Labor Day weekend. There are still back-to-back work trips starting the end of the week. I plan to visit LYS in the DC area (Maryland or Virgiania) but doubt I will shop for yarn in Albany, NY this time. No biggy, as I will be going to Albany once or twice a month for a while to come.

As you may have already noticed, I joined the Knitting Kitty ring! Some nice new people have surfed by as a result and as always, I appreciate the comments and e-mails. Since time has been limited, I have been lucky to read my fav blogs, but have not had time to leave notes. I try to answer all comments and e-mails left on Knit by Nora but if I miss ya, know I read everything! So, expect more candid moments by Bowie and Mick as they are always into something. They act like kittens instead of almost 2 year olds (in September).

Today’s Knitting News

I have 22 rows of Dune done and have hit a nice rhythm. It may go along as a travel project, after all (with a backup instant grat project). Writing the lace pattern works for me in a way the chart cannot. I hope to develop the ability to read directions from a graph over time, if possible. Hail to all of you lace knitters – it takes a special talent!

I thought you might like a look a set of two books, Creative Hands published originally in 1966 and reprinted through 1975 (started in Milan, then the UK and finally the US). They include knitting, crochet, sewing and embroidered instructions and projects. I picked them up while antiquing a week or so ago as the contents seem retro and could be updated.

posted by Nora | 1:42 PM
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On the Needles