Knit by Nora
Compulsive ~ a strong, irresistible impulse to act (i.e., to knit) and Obsessive ~ to occupy the mind excessively (thus this blog)

Monday, April 18, 2005  

Today's Button and Blogging News

The buttons for Ebony (and button pins) came from JoAnne Fabrics. The enameled buttons were mnade by JHB International @ $3.50 per pair(item #1357) and the open grill buttons were by La Mode @ $1.40 per pair (item number 20524). It is too warm to wear Ebony but the weather will cool later and I will at least be able to to a snap shot.

I am very excited to be blogging from home on Mark's new wireless laptop using a DSL line! No more lunchtime blogging!!! That means I can knit more or actually eat lunch.

Not much in the way of fiber news -- I celebrated my birthday over the weekend (something like 6 different parties with family, husband, friends, co-workers, in-laws, etc.). Also, my mother moved this weekend. Plus Pittsburgh actually thinks it is spring! Yippees all around!

posted by Nora | 11:42 AM
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On the Needles